Ideas & photos from my ceramics course

This week we started making models of our design ideas in clay, so that we can make plaster molds from them. I’ve never worked on mold-making before so I find it a bit confusing…but im getting there slowly. We are all making quite different things, a big bowl in the shape of a popped popcorn, a vase, a hanger/storage, a roaring tiger mouth for hanging jewelry, a glass with teeth and so on…

I decided to work with human bones because I have broken so many over the years and I like the connection they have to porcelain (bone china). A friend of mine is a physical therapist and he was so nice to lend me a plastic skeleton to use as reference. It’s really funny to have him sitting next to me all day…

My Scapulamp

My bone of choice is the scapula/shoulder blade, I find it an incredibly beautiful bone and it also has a personal connection to me. When I was younger I practiced gymnastics and therefore I was able to stretch my body in weird ways, I used to call my winged scapulas fuglavængir (bird-wings), I still have them…

Today I finished my model and on monday im making my mold! Can’t wait! Im still not completely sure what my porcelain scapula is gonna end up being…gonna make experiments by multiplying the form and arranging them together. Let’s see what happens after easter-brake.

I also got some really great news this week! About a month ago I applied for a grant called Rannís with a project of mine, and I got it! Im really excited! So for 2 months this summer im going to experiment and research how I can waterproof the Icelandic wool. Awesome!

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