Mussels & White Wine

Last night I decided to cook one of my favorite dishes, mussels in white wine. I just tried it for the first time last summer and I assumed it would be quite difficult. It’s not, it’s so easy, tasty and cheap (1400kr. per kilo in Melabúðin). Cooking mussels also makes me feel like a proper chef, I like that feeling. After we ate we both felt sooo sleepy that we couldn’t  go out like we planned…kósí

This is my recipe (…from my food stain covered recipe book)

1kg mussels (covered in water while you chop up the ingredients – about 20min)

1 cup (250ml) white wine (I bought a cheap one…not much money in my wallet at the moment)

1/2 -1 onion

5 garlic cloves

Red chili (not necessary)

Juice from half a lemon and the lemon peel

1 celery stalk

2 tablespoons butter or oil

Fish stock (I use half a cube)

Dash of cream in the end

Fresh parsley

Salt and pepper to taste

Onion, celery, garlic and chili chopped fine and fried with butter for about 5min (in a wide pan or pot, that you have a lid for)

Wine, lemon juice and rind, stock cube and salt pepper added to the pan

The mussels added to the pan and a lid put over it. Cooked for only about 5min (you don’t want them chewy) and the pan shaken around a little while cooking.

Heat turned off and a dash of cream poured over everything along with plenty of chopped up parsley

Goes perfect with either bread, spaghetti or french fries and the rest of the white wine of course!

Definitely my favorite summer-food…even though summer is taking ages to come this year, damn you snow!

Smashed It!

2 comments on “Mussels & White Wine

  1. Domenica Wile

    In most marine mussels the shell is longer than it is wide, being wedge-shaped or asymmetrical. The external colour of the shell is often dark blue, blackish, or brown, while the interior is silvery and somewhat nacreous.’^^^

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